CosySpa Hot Tub Cleaning Accessories – For All Aspects Of Your Hot Tubs
Keeping your hot tubs in top working order has never been simpler thanks to the CosySpa Hot Tub Bromine Tablets. Bromine Tablets are a broad based biocide specifically formulated for the disinfection of Spa and Hot Tub Water. These tablets should be dosed via a specific floating dispenser or an erosion feeder device.
PLEASE NOTE: Any chemicals could cause potential harm & must be kept out of reach from children at all times.
For full in-depth instructions on how to use this product, please click on the link above.
- Always ensure bathers are out of the water when adding chemicals.
- Never mix with any other chemicals including cleaning products, weed killers and chorine products, as a dangerous reaction may occur.
- Always handle products in a well-ventilated area.
- Always wash hands thoroughly after handling chemicals.
- Store in a cool, dry well ventilated, secure place. Ensure chemicals do not become damp in storage.
- Instructions and dosages given are a guide to most effective use.
- This container must not be used or contaminated with any other materials.